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Technology to Hire Great Teachers
Finding the right teachers for your jobs in an educator-scarce market is the ultimate challenge.
That’s why we’ve developed recruitment solutions to help you streamline the hiring process and reduce the time-to-hire

Receive right candidates quickly and efficiently

It can be difficult to efficiently find the right teacher candidates on a normal job site in today's market.
We are the only job site that gathers over 1 million registered educators and maintains a high volume of daily visitors who are seeking educational vacancies. The jobs you post on our website can directly reach education job seekers. Our highly active pool of candidates ensure that your job post will receive fast responses from the appropriate candidates.

Resume format for educator-specific positions

Our educator-specific resume highlights the candidate's qualifications for positions in the field of education, enabling you to screen and respond to applicants quickly. The resume includes:

Introduction video

Education background

Work experience

Educational job-related skills and accomplishments

Prescreen the right candidates and gain required info

Each candidate needs to answer the screener questions before applying for your job. This allows you to screen candidates for a specific role and assess their qualifications before proceeding with a full interview or extending further invitations.
What type of position are you hiring for, and what are the key qualifications you are looking for in a candidate? By doing so, you can gain information that may not be visible on the candidate's resume or job conditions, which confirms whether they are the right fit for the job and worth considering for further recruitment processes.

Guaranteed hiring results

With the company facing massive hiring or struggling reach the right candidates more efficiently. We offer diverse and flexible collaboration models, with years of experience in the education market.
We understand recruitment needs and can guarantee results through a quantitative approach, ensuring companies pay for outcomes. This reduces costs while increasing efficiency, making one channel sufficient to meet all needs.