Before becoming an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher, it's crucial that one understands their workload and teaching hours. While contact and contract hours can sometimes be unclear, we will attempt to clarify them here while exploring typical EFL teaching hours in various contexts as well as frequently asked questions related to them - giving aspiring and current EFL teachers alike valuable insight.
Contact hours refer to time spent actively teaching students in a classroom setting, while contract hours encompass all hours an EFL teacher is expected to be present at school - for preparation, administrative duties, or any other related responsibilities.
EFL teachers in government and private schools abroad typically need to be present at school for approximately 40 hours each week, although their actual teaching load typically ranges between 20 to 25 hours per week.
Corporate EFL teaching presents two distinct scenarios. Some companies allow time within employees' regular work hours for English language learning; teachers conduct classes then. Additionally, classes may also take place outside regular working hours such as early morning sessions, lunchtime classes or evening sessions.
Private language schools operate outside normal working hours, meaning EFL teachers usually teach evenings and weekends; on average they work 25 hours each week on teaching. Furthermore, additional time must be set aside each week for lesson planning and material preparation (which adds approximately 10 more hours per week to their schedules).
Yes, in private language schools EFL teachers typically are responsible for creating lesson plans, developing teaching materials and conducting assessments - tasks which often take up an additional 10 hours each week in order to ensure effective classroom instruction.
Understanding and respecting the cultural background of the students can help EFL teachers to tailor their teaching methods and schedules, thus making the learning process more efficient and enjoyable for everyone involved. Cultural differences play an integral part in shaping what constitutes a "normal working week" across various countries. For instance, some Muslim nations recognize different weekends that could significantly impact EFL teachers' working schedule. Furthermore, certain European, Latin American, and Chinese regions have midday breaks, known as siestas which may alter teaching hours. It is crucial for EFL teachers to become familiar with local customs and practices to adapt to their teaching environments effectively.
EFL teachers often have the chance to supplement their income with private lessons outside their regular teaching hours by offering private tuition outside their regular class schedule. It is essential that a balance be struck to ensure a manageable workload is not put upon themselves.
Understanding the customs and practices of countries where EFL teachers intend to teach is crucial to successfully assimilating into local cultures and educational systems. Knowing expectations about working hours, breaks, cultural norms and working time restrictions allows teachers to plan their schedules effectively while building rapport with students in an ideal learning environment.
Overall, EFL teachers typically spend between 40-25 hours each week teaching, depending on their teaching context. Government and private schools abroad generally require them to be present for approximately 40 hours every week with 20-25 actual teaching hours expected per week. Corporate EFL teaching may take place during regular working hours or beyond them, while private language schools mainly operate after-work classes on weeknights and weekends, typically teaching an average of 25 hours each week. Cultural adaption and awareness are crucial aspects of EFL teaching that allow EFL teachers to manage their workload efficiently while creating an enjoyable and memorable learning experience for their students. By understanding these factors, EFL teachers can ensure an optimal educational experience.