- English Teacher
- Peninsula Montessori Kindergarten
- Teach Abroad
- Job Location: Shanghai,Shenzhen,Hangzhou,Wuhan of China20000~27000 CNY/MonthEnglish-Native-Speaker,Non-Native-Speaker(Preferred)
This is a subjective question. Everyone may have their own opinion. But if you are wondering and even planing to teach abroad, then teaching English abroad would be a great move for you.
Moving and teaching abroad would give you the opportunities to explore this world, to get to know people from different countries with different culture background, to try new local food, and to learn new languages.
Teaching abroad would also be a change for you to boost your independence and push you to make a step out of your comfort zone.
If you are not sure whether teaching abroad would be a right choice for you, you may check here to find out the pros & cons of teaching in China.
The most frequently asked questions from teachers are if they are able to teach abroad without a degree or experience. The answer is absolutely YES.
When it comes to teach English abroad, people tend to relate it with native English speakers with degree and experience. However, it is not always the case. As long as you have an accredited TEFL certificate, many schools or institutions will accept you as qualified candidates.
Therefore, it is very important to choose a good TEFL institution. Teacher Record, an ESL job association, offers an internationally accredited Free 120-Hour TEFL certificate, and offers an extensive teaching opportunities abroad.
Are you wondering if it is worth it to teach English abroad? I think it depends on you. Everyone has their own judgement. But for the majority of ESL teachers, it is worth it to get the chance to get to know the world and teach English abroad.
You are pushing yourself outside to explore this world, to experience the things that you might never be able to do in the rest of your life,and to broaden your horizons. If this is what you feel, then teaching abroad is definitely worth it. Besides, you are showing future employers how independent you are, which can increase your opportunities to get a nice job in your later future.