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Job Highlights
2100~3200 US Dollar/Month
6-12 years old Average
10-20 student(s)
Working Hours
5 Days
35~40 Hours
8:00AM - 17:00PM
Job Description
Job Info.
Age Group: G1-6 (primary mostly)
Class Size: Vary from schools (5-20 students)
Class Length: 40-50 mins most of the time for a session
Workdays: Mon-Fri (Some schools need to work on Sat.)
Class Schedule: Noon to Afternoon (1200-1830)/Afternoon to Evening (1530-2030)/ depends on the contract.
Salary Range: 1870-2180 USD/monthly /(600-800 NTD hourly)/Depends on teaching experience.
Other welfare: Health and Labor Insurance and free work permit
Some contracts will contain extra bonuses like attendance, incentive, or contract-completion bonuses.
Locations: Taichung/Chunghua/Taoyuan/Taipei
Start Date: Signed date till the end of the contract (Mostly one year contract)
Write lesson plans.
Evaluate and assess students' English level and ability.
Develop and design engaging and enjoyable class activities.
Set and manage class order.
Be able to utilize and operate teaching media and teaching aids.
Free Work Permit
13% Tax Refund after 183 days of staying in Taiwan in the fiscal year
Health & Labor Insurance
Free assistance in relocation including housing, banking, health check, VISA, ARC application
Paid National Holidays under a full-time contract at least for one year
*We don't charge any commission fee.
*We are on behalf of language schools.
Job Requirements
Minimum requirements
United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland(Preferred)
College or above
Don't have a teaching certificate? Click on TEFL Certificate for a free one!
Less Than 1 Year
Job Benefit/Welfare
Free Work Permit
13% Tax Refund after 183 days of staying in Taiwan in the fiscal year
Health & Labor Insurance
Free assistance in relocation including housing, health check, VISA, ARC application
Paid National Holidays under a full-time contract at least for one year
Application Process
Outside the platform
Employer will conduct their interview process outsite of platform.
If they are interested in your resume, they will contact you through the contact you left on your resume and profile.
Apply→Screening by employer→Waiting for employer to contact you
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