Before Working Abroad: Don’t Forget To Prepare Yourself

move abroad


Go to work abroad, internationalize your career, and open the door to a new world? Going to work abroad is indeed an effective way to develop language skills, improve cross-cultural competence and acquire soft skills. (There are also benefits like traveling abroad and experiencing new cultures) But before this beautiful dream comes true, you still have some things to do.


Different countries have different requirements and regulations for foreigners working in their own countries. take China as an example. All foreigners who want to work legally in China need to obtain Z-Visa and work permit (We have blogs giving detailed introduction).

  • The Cost of Living & Salary

Money matters. Make sure the money you can make in general that is able to support your life overseas.

Before going abroad, try to build a network through social media like Facebook and LinkedIn, talking to locals and expats living the country you plan to go to get useful information.

  • New Country & New Culture

Living in a new country is very different from travelling there. Do some research on its taxes, bills, departments and public transportation and check out if you are able to accept its culture. (If there are unique customs you cannot stand)

Pay attention to the layout, content and procedures. (Please check our previous blogs)

  • Mental construction

Prepare yourself to face/experience different things for you may be "attacked" by culture shock and homesick.

  • Plan B

Accidents will always appear suddenly at a time. For example, if you fail to find a satisfactory job in time, your funds will support how long you live abroad.


Working abroad is excited and challenged, but it’s extremely hard for you to settle down in a foreign country without any preparation.

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