Have you already known a fact? Just in China, nearly 8 million students are learning English online.
Because of the aftermath of the coronavirus, more and more Chinese students are turning to online studying during school suspensions, which means chances for online teaching are increasing as well.
However, job opportunity is not the only factor affecting the thousands of English speakers seeking to teach Chinese students English online.
Everyone is experiencing social alienation right now and you might be eager to begin working from home. You may also hunt a dependable part-time job, or before moving abroad, you want to know what English teaching actually is like.
No matter what your reason is, online English teaching is undoubtedly a wise option. Many educators recognize that they enjoy teaching their online courses and are grateful to have the opportunity to interact with lots of enthusiastic students.
And we are going to list some reasons to convince you that truth.
Seize unique opportunities
Foreigners teaching Chinese children online had flourished for many years before the Corona pandemic, and the field is likely to continue to grow.
It means that online English teachers are in high demand and they are able to get special working conditions. There are seven merits and let’s look into them in detail.
A growing number of companies are offering thousands of English teaching jobs online, which means you can find a job relatively in no time. According to China's online teacher policy, what you need to be an online English teacher is a bachelor's degree, 120 hours of TEFL courses, and a criminal background check.
However, the online teacher recruitment process can proceed quickly if you meet these requirements.
You will make profits in days instead of weeks when you get an online teaching job.
2. Become self-employed if you lose you job recently
If you've currently been put off work as a result of global social alienation policies, it’s no doubt a good chance for you to make good money and fend for yourself in these awful days.
You will not be interrupted and are able to do your online teaching work although you are self-isolated or segregated.
3. Free to pick your own work hours
Flexibility is one of the biggest advantages of online education. You are free to arrange your teaching hours (this depends in part on how much money you want to make).
4. Find your work-life balance
Distance teaching clearly means that you can enjoy working from home. But what about the advantages of choose your schedule as you like?
Most people's work-life balance means they either work too much or earn too little. However, being an online ESL teacher is a perfect option to solve the problems that are brought by the balance of work and life: people have to spend most of time on job, or choose to earn less. Your course will be conducted on Chinese time since you are an online English teacher for Chinese students. It means that you should give students classes when school is over, no matter where you live and what time it is
Of course, you might want to start thinking about jet lag sooner rather than later. However, if only you are able to teach during peak hours, it is up to you how much you teach.
You can decide teach as many days or hours a week as you want. The number of hours you work determines how much you earn. Hourly fees with companies like GoGo Kid are generous, as they are paying up to $25 an hour for online English teachers. In addition, you have right to choose get your salaries on a monthly or bimonthly basis when working with some companies. In short, whether you're hunting for a full-time job or a sideline one, an online English teacher is a nice choice for your.
5. Boost your professional skills
Challenges and rewards are involved on online teaching. To succeed in both sides, what you need is learn to combine organization and knowledge, as well as being able to contract with other people. Improving your skills of expressing yourself clearly and accurately so that your students will get what they should know and want to know. Soft skills like creativity, collaboration and adaptability will also help you to build up your curriculum vitae, while hard skills will be useful when you later work in a high-tech place.
No matter how long you plan to stay, working as an online English teacher in China will give you professional skills that will last a long period, since this job allows you to gain experience working with children and even teaching adults business English. You can also try creating textbooks transit your job to work at blogs.
In recent years, the Chinese online English teaching market has expanded sharply, along with education companies have grown and generally established their international and online reputations.
A lot of great companies are recruiting online English teachers for Chinese students in 2020.
GoGoKid, for example, is one of the top English-language online teaching companies that provides high salaries, flexible working time and proper curriculum.
When you start finding a job, plenty of companies are there for you to pick but not just one.
Doing a research before choosing a great company you will work with. In order to get your right one, you can read online reviews from individual tutors and international professionals in this field.
7. Have fun
Everybody wants an enjoyable job!
Having fun is actually a work requirement, and that’s why so many tutors enjoy teaching English online.
The majority of online courses are concise (always lasts around 25mins) and concentration on communication. Learning about games, songs and conversations are the main contents in children’s classes.
In addition, the cultural exchange between Chinese and English often happens in online English classes, which means you will learn specific details about China from your students and share your own culture even though you are far away from home.
Moreover, you will experience the fun real-life classroom offers. Seeing students make progress under your help will bring you happiness and confidence.
And it’s a great reason why a number of teachers from North America or West Europe choose to be an online English teacher to Chinese students.
After all, opportunity knocks only once. Just seize it!